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Dreaming of Dana – Version 0.088 – Update


Forbidden for under 18!


Натисни за голям размер


Year: 2016/2017
Genre: Visual Novel, Incest, School, Seduction, Sexy girls, Small tits, Teacher, Voyeur, Animation, Beautiful ass, Erotic content, Interactive, Lesbian
Цензура: Няма
Platform: PC/Windows
Състояние: В разработка
Активатор: Не се налага
Language на Играта: Английски
Language на Interfaceа: Английски
Installation на играта: Просто разархивирате файловете където пожелаете !
Description: You take on the role of rich kid that has had everything handed to him his entire life making him quite an indolent little ass.
Now he is working for his for his father’s company and not enjoying himself to much. Working along side him is his sister Dana, the apple of his father’s eye. And for whom he is slowly discovering feeling long buried and forgotten.
You will have the chance to meet a cast of characters along and hopefully have sex with most of them
How does the game work:
You interact with the girls at the office and when their affection and sexuality is high enough, as well as certain conditions are triggered, certain scenes open up.
NFOView NFO (0.28 KB)
GenreVirtual/Games, Teen
Last seederLast active 143d 13:29:31
Size8.18 GB (8,783,188,969 bytes)
Rating: 5.0 / 5 (5.0 from possible 5 with 5 vote(s) total)        (Login to rate it)
Added2017-12-27 13:01:28
Info:Hits:  1712 times
1 seeder(s), 0 leecher(s) = 1 peer(s)

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# neduko (Супер потребител) at 2017-12-29 12:34:44 GMT- Quote Personal message Top
И трите игри които качихте за чудесни.Надявам се скоро да качите още такива еротични игри.Ще сан ви много благодарен. :fczamunda:  :-)  :-)

# extremist22 (Супер потребител) at 2018-02-07 11:02:16 GMT- Quote Personal message Top
а някой да знае защо  всеки ден се случва едно и също, без никакво развитие?

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