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Baby Got Boobs - Madison Scott and Cindy Hope

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NFOView NFO (0.45 KB)
GenreClips, Big Tits
Last seederLast active 3:16:49
Size540.48 MB (566,737,349 bytes)
Rating: 4.5 / 5 (4.5 from possible 5 with 42 vote(s) total)        (Login to rate it)
Added2009-09-09 17:16:42
Info:Hits:  12287 times
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# cecokroifa (Супер потребител) at 2009-09-09 17:38:23 GMT- Quote Personal message Top
тез други актиори нямат ли бе ...

# egatishita (Супер потребител) at 2009-09-09 18:29:50 GMT- Quote Personal message Top

cecokroifa написа:

тез други актиори нямат ли бе ...

Имат ама Джони Синс е най голямата машина  :lol:

# Deathsworn (Супер потребител) at 2009-09-09 18:46:46 GMT- Quote Personal message Top

egatishita написа:

cecokroifa написа:

тез други актиори нямат ли бе ...

Имат ама Джони Синс е най голямата машина  :lol:

Няколко години фитнес (и няколко хапчета, може би) сега му се отплащат доста добре.  ;-)

# egatishita (Супер потребител) at 2009-09-09 18:58:50 GMT- Quote Personal message Top


I have been working out for about ten years now pretty straight, longest break i've taken was probably a month so I know what works and what doesn't for me. I'd say it's 50% working out and 50% diet. I look at it as the better shape i'm in, the better I can do my job, fuck longer and harder without getting tired. i'm pretty much on the go all day so I burn alot of calories doing day to day shit. I do about 20 minutes of yoga/stretching every morning usually before scenes. I hit the gym about every other day, run for twenty minutes alternating between a steady pace and interval sprints every other workout. Then lift one body part a day with abs or calves in between sets, abs with chest and back, calves with legs. In the gym i'm always moving though, I only rest about 30 seconds between sets. I used to lift for size but these days its more for stamina, looks, and health. Add onto that walking my dog twice a day and a little personal sex, thats alot of calories burnt in one day. My diet is mainly organic, natural foods but i'm not afraid to eat burgers or pizza, just no excess sugars. The most important thing is eating all day long, every two to three hours, clean, healthy meals.


Oh and no I do not nor have ever taken steroids. I have never even taken creatine, n02, etc, all overrated in my opinion. You can achieve great results with the proper diet and hard workouts. I do of course supplement with whey and soy protein powders and take a fat burner before working out. It's important to tap into the mind/body thing. Usually your mind tells you first that the weight is to heavy or you cant run one more minute, if you learn to control the mind you can get so much more out of a workout before your body actually fails you.


# Deathsworn (Супер потребител) at 2009-09-09 19:34:35 GMT- Quote Personal message Top
Ааха, виждам. Е, личи му, че се поти на човека. Наистина си е най-голямата машина.  :-)

# (blocked) at 2009-09-09 20:17:54 GMT- Quote Personal message Top
:thumbsup:  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

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